Aired on February 25th on Positive Living Vibrations with Sara Troy and her guest Tony Folden
Tony Folden who grew up in Central Ohio, always having a love for entertainment and being the center of attention. From his teenage years until today, he has honed his skills as an actor and writer. On Easter Sunday, 2008, he was given the opportunity to showcase his acting skills for the first time for an up and coming production team in Baltimore, Maryland, Joystick Films. That group liked him enough to include him in their next three projects. In striving to grow and better his craft, he was lead to Atlanta, Georgia where his acting career truly began to excel. He has been acting for nearly 6 years now and moved to ATL in January of ’09. He has been quickly building his resume and networking. In his first 2 years of acting he had been cast in 4 independent, full length films, 3 short films, and 4 TV pilots, one of which he wrote, cast, co-produced and co-directed.
Tony has been in several award-winning films such as Torn, Golden Tiger Productions (2009), Can’t Complain, Golden Tiger Productions (2010), and Suicide Blogs, Simboya Productions (2012), as well as several top webseries including, Money, Power, & Respect, Peoples Network (2010), Eeazy (2011), and Horror Hotel (2012). Tony has worked with many top Atlanta actors like, Alpha Trivette, Chrissy Chambers, Tim Perez, Lynn McArthur, and Bill Pacer.
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