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Originally Aired from December 9th- on, Positive Living Vibrations with Sara Troy and her many guests.

Miracles, Momentum and Manifestation.

Coordinator Antoinette Sykes. Show link below.

This empowering literary collection of seven women authors… “Miracles, Momentum and Manifestation,”offers myriad topics that stir the soul. We all have varied needs and responses to each. This, the second in the “Breakthrough” anthology series is a collective of wide-ranging experiences and life transformations that were often looked at as miracles. From recognizing the biggest secret lies within you – to learning to listen to the messages the world sends you; From becoming a “thriver” in the midst of depression – to finding the miracles in broken or unhealthy relationships; From finding a positively divine and beautifully abundant recipe for life – to breaking the mantra, “not good enough;” and From the story of a woman who, through the miracle of her daughter’s life, began to realize that her own life was precious and worth living – to discovering how your life would be different if you learned how to tap into your desires and discover a manifestation process that becomes the essence of fulfilling the greatest of them. Eight passionate and accomplished writers share different and individual life journeys sure to touch the hearts of readers everywhere. Each story reveals what the authors experienced in their deepest, darkest places, and just when they thought there was no where else to go… they found a miracle that encouraged them to keep going. The common theme is hope, in the face of distressing circumstances, and gratitude that at the very moment you feel there is no way beyond your situation, you will find a way the impossible becomes possible.

Antoinette Sykes.

Infectious. Witty. Creative & Forward thinking – those are just a few words that describe Antoinette Sykes. Also known for her passionate approach to business and life. Her persuasive communications and business savvy now brings you the very best in public relations, marketing & consulting.  With a deeply rooted awareness, that ‘change is not what happens to you, but rather what happens through you’; consciously she seeks to build upon this foundation that will surely shine light on your next steps to Strategic + Creative Communications, Marketing and Public . In all that Antoinette does in business, she places excellence on blending PR, marketing & business growth with relentless support and overall satisfaction. StandingTall PR  is a movement  of sorts to help business, brands and companies maximize integrated approaches to pr and marketing, while maximizing the reach of the digital landscape. –

Miracles, Momentum and Manifestation: Breakdown to Breakthrough

 It doesn’t take a degree in Psychology to realize you are wrapped in the throes of depression. If you have ever suffered, take heart as you read the journey of Dr. Mary Canty Merrill in finding powerful ways of managing her most difficult emotions and life experiences. Mary’s poignant story, Breakdown to Breakthrough’ offers the miracles which come from delving into insightful lessons – where the author demonstrates her path of side-stepping certain mental habits that once led her to despair and self-blame. Greater resilience is indeed her reward – and can be yours for the reading

Dr. Mary Canty Merrill has spent more than 25 years motivating and inspiring audiences across the country to step out of their comfort zone and into their personal power. In addition to entrepreneur and psychologist, she is blessed to serve humanity in a variety of roles. As an educator, facilitator, speaker, author, and life strategist, she is known for her thought-provoking messages, high-energy delivery, and dynamic work in unleashing human potential.

Biz URL: (Merrill Consulting Associates, LLC)

Miracles, Momentum and Manifestation: Act on Love

This revealed for me the deep truth there are myriad ways we can use our voices and present our messages to the world. I have had the privilege of doing so through consulting, coaching, workshops, speaking engagements, interviews, articles, blog posts, social media,interviews and the most arduous journey of all… as a published author. My first venture, Daily Affirmations for Love: 365 Days of Love in Thought and Action was a compilation of many years of “walking my talk” as a renowned expert in love and relationships. Being ever so grateful to my wonderful husband, Greg, the book initially was to honor him and the forty plus years of an equally wonderful marriage. It grew into a larger project – the foundation for a significant turn in the direction of my business, with the decision to focus on showing others how to ACT on Love, and how – in doing so – they would have the life and the love they desired and deserved. Since the book was first published in 2011, my expertise as a love and relationship expert has expanded; my visibility has put me in front of people whose marriages were on rocky ground; marriages which were salvaged through using my unique YOU-3

approach, which addresses all relationships in which you engage… beginning with the relationship you have with yourself, and expanding to that you have with other friends, family and peers, and finally – to the ultimate love partner for which we all search. I have since created other specialty programs for couples and mixed singles – the most popular seems to be MANthology 101. I was fortunate enough to give reference to a certain number of the underlying principles from MANthology 101 in a soon to be released Anthology: Miracles, Momentum and Manifestation. My Chapter: “The Miracle of MAN-i-festing the Ultimate Love Relationship” addresses the reality that healthy relationships should be based on love, – or so we think! It asks the reader, “Does it seem you and your love partner speak two totally different languages?” The answer to that question can be found as you discover how to identify your partner’s preference for communicating love, while creating the best version of yourself and learning the art of mindful loving.

Mamiko Odegard, PhD

Miracles, Momentum, and Manifestation: The Power of Prayer, Self-Love, and Intention – the Keys to Manifesting and Creating Miracles in Your Life, by Jacqueline Van Campen

After the birth of her first daughter, Jacqueline was faced with the decision to either transform herself from the inside out, and love herself, or she would end up dead on the side of the freeway driven into deep despair and depression. Being stuck in a dead-end marriage and being a new mom, Jacqueline felt lost and unequipped to really change her reality.

In this powerful Anthology, eight brave women courageously share their stories of triumph. Jacqueline’s contribution is her real and raw account of how she went from wanting to drive her car into a freeway median and end it all to going through a deep inner transformation after the birth of her daughter, and how such experience can transform a mother’s heart and teach her that love starts of Letters to My Daughter: A Mother’s Journey of Healing and Transformation; Wise Heart Archetypes: The 7 levels of Awakening the Wisdom Within ebook (available through her website only); and Miracles, Momentum, and Manifestation – Unleash the Secret Powers of Having the Life You Desire. She is an intuitive writer’s coach, Wise Heart writer and transformational messenger and founder of Wise Heart Within. Jacqueline is a voice for women’s spiritual and personal awakening. Her writing is focused on inspiring and supporting women to become Wise Heart Leaders in all areas of their lives.

She was the host of the radio show The Writer’s Divine Den on ( /the-writers-divine-den/  and a contributing writer on various online media outlets, including gaining favour as a poet as a contributor in the Spiritual Writers Network’s newly released Whispers of the Soul, A Poetry Anthology./


Is all about the myriad possibilities of manifesting all that you desire in life and finding a few miracles along the way? It is quite likely the word(s) leave you hesitant – or   you are easily lured on a daily basis by quick thinking, fast-talking sales people promising to deliver instant results for something you desire! What would it mean to you, and how would your life be different if you learned how to tap into your desires and discover a manifestation process that becomes the essence of fulfilling the greatest of them?

Are you open to a different perspective—simply by having a deep and personal discussion about inspired abundance and how to achieve it?”

One of the greatest travesties of life is that many people have intense desires throughout their lives; few believe they can actually achieve them and have lives filled with quiet regret. Have you ever stood in awe and wonderment of those who embrace a life of inspired abundance… yet gave up on your desires and settled for comforting excuses?

A LITERARY STRATEGIST, Anna Weber knows the value of sharing life stories in the quest of bringing wisdom and positive value to readers and guides sassy Entrepreneurs and savvy Service Professionals through the oft-time confusing and overwhelming journey of becoming successfully published.

Anna, the CEO and founder of Successfully Published, Voices In Print and Get Your Book Noticed, understands the realities of publishing, writing and marketing a book; having provided support to Debut Authors for close to two decades in an industry rift with constant changes and transformation. Anna, who also finds happiness in life traveling with her husband, and engaging in other creative ventures, can be reached at:

Miracles, Momentum, and Manifestation: Positively Divine and Beautifully Abundant

The author takes a light hearted trip through the Italian countryside in a transformational journey of peace, truth and Positively Divine and Abundant Beauty. A miraculous life awaits each of one of us. In the moment, there is a choice throughout the story, Valerie makes a positive perspective the most obvious choice every time. Manifesting a beautiful life is her greatest achievement. She enjoys helping heart centered men, women and children rise up and find their way to Light and self Love. Valerie enjoys daily work-life balance with her two kids in college, husband of 25 years and limitless possibilities in life.

Valerie has also written  {An} Unsinkable Soul

Having it all and hitting physical, emotional and spiritual rock bottom at the same time sent transformational teacher and healing expert Valerie Sorrentino into an inward personal transformational rebirth as a way out of deep depression and grief. She is well known in her community as the Relaxation as a lifestyle expert. Her multi dimensional approach to well being, personal development and true transformation touches all parts of life. Mind, Body, Spirit, Home, Health and Happiness all emcompass the Wholistic coaching and mentoring for a vibrant and healthy life. As a student of life, Valerie has traveled many years in her early childhood. A diverse background and the uncanny ability to hear truth, feel emotions and transmute energy, she first had to learn how to release the build up of human emotion. Healing from a plaguing depression, crippling mood swings, hormonal imbalance and chronic low back pain was secondary to figuring out how to be a proper parent and successful wife and business partner. Valerie’s mission is to work her hearts passion room anywhere in the world bringing peace within as a natural state of being using the nature, simplicity and awareness as key elements to everyday life. Happiness, joy and inspiration are not only possible but are at the tip of everyone’s fingers when the mind is clear calm and directed in a positive way.

She can be reached at and


It has been a delight to interview these ladies and their reasons for sharing in this book.                      Sara Troy Producer.

More on your host Sara Troy go to choose-positive-living/


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