Originally Aired September 2nd 2014 on Positive Living Vibrations with Sara Troy and her guest Christina Waschko
If you couldn’t fail and money is no object, what would you do? What are the things you always dreamed about before you had children?

Some of us mothers succeed combining motherhood we our dream job. Most of us don’t. Oh how we love our own excuses, e.g. That was then, now I am older and I now it was a dream, my children are way too young, I have no experience whatsoever, I don’t want to embarrass myself, I have not enough money, My husband really doesn’t want me to pursue this crazy idea I have etc.”
Do you know what I am talking about? So if this is you, let’s Kiss the EXCUSES Goodbye
Over the years Christina has successfully combined raising her family (3 boys) with pursuing her big, fat dreams. First as a free lance fitness instructor in Sydney, London and Amsterdam. Then as a coffee shop owner of Strawberry Lounge, a swanky, family friendly coffee shop in the heart of The Netherlands, as book author of “The Strawberry Lounge Story”How I got over my fear, dumped my excuses and started the business of my dreams, the Motherpreneur way, and now as presenter of her own webshow on you tube, called Motherpreneur TV.

Christina knows first hand how to deal with a non-compliant husband, how to jump over your own limitations brought on by your parents, culture, peers and upbringing. You think you are too old, you have no experiences, your children are too small (she started her coffee shop when her boys were 3,5 and 7 years of age) or you don’t have enough money (she invested her life savings into the coffee shop and still didn’t have enough).
During her weekly web show Christina interviews extraordinary, ordinary mothers who all kissed their excuses good-bye and sharing their tips and ideas of how they did it. So you can too!
Life is too short for excuses! Let’s start kiss our excuses GOOD BYE.
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Phone: 604-463-3082
PRESENTER at MotherpreneurTV
More on your host Sara Troy and her many show go to choose-positive-living
So you are telling yourself you are too old, you have no money and no experience to do what you really want to do? Let’s hear it from Sara Troy, Free spirited Radio Hostess/Producer at http://selfdiscoveryradio.com
