Originally Aired July 29th 2014 on Positive Living Vibrations with Sara Troy and her guest Rita Soman
What are the Belief’s that are holding you back and how do we change them to benefiting your life?
Author of books, The Thought That Changed My Life Forever and Thank God I Am An Empowered Woman, Psychotherapist Rita Soman, is an expert in helping people with healing the root cause of addictions and mental health related issues and most other life’s problems with PSYCH-K® process that helps in identifying and healing the root cause of problems at the subconscious level of the mind. With over 26 years of experience, Rita believes that blending PSYCH-K process with psychotherapy has proven to be very beneficial in addressing all types of challenges and it works synergistically with most other healing modalities. In just few sessions people begin to restore their happiness and wellbeing and start moving forward toward realizing their dreams. Rita teaches PSYCH-K workshops worldwide and works with people in person, by phone and via Skype.
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Rita gave me a session that helped me understand my blockages, by seeing what was in my way I can now address them and de-power them by giving the power to a new positive inviting voice. Thank you Rita, your kindness and compassion, your understanding of beliefs is inspiring. Sara Troy.
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