Originally Aired on May 29th on Positive Living Vibrations with Sara Troy and her guest Bob Wheeler’
Bob Wheeler’s personal narrative is to: Be the change you want to see in the world. ~ Mahatma Ghandi
His crusade for personal growth has cross-pollinated with his accounting practice to birth a new approach to personal finances. From his 25 years of helping clients, Bob has distilled a concoction of warmth, information, motivation and budgeting directive that he offers to anyone with financial concerns. His passion is to help others gain insights about how emotions trigger financial decisions. Combining finances with behaviours, Bob has lifted the numbers off the table and put them into the heart, where he shows they have been all along.
As a man of true integrity with an infectious energy, Bob has spoken at various conferences on tax law changes and serves on the board of directors for several non-profit and profit corporations. While strengthening his accounting practice,
Bob has simultaneously pursued his love of satire and ventured into the realm of stand-up comedy. He is currently the chief financial officer for The Comedy Store in West Hollywood, California.
Bob graduated from Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee. His world travels lead him to all points on the globe, especially those at high altitudes. He has climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa arrived at the Base Camp Everest in Nepal and climbed several smaller mountains in between. With charm and humour, his experiences on the road, in the office, or in a Grecian marathon feed his wit as a stand-up comic and financial behaviourist
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The Money Nerve