Dear all, the year is new and the energy is moving. We are coming out of one of the most challenging mercury retrogrades I can remember. People everywhere, especially sensitives, have been feeling emotionally, mentally and physically drained and exhausted and spiritually challenged.
Last year’s numerology was a 9, which denotes completion, karmic finalisations, working through challenges and limitations. We are now heading into a 10 year – the end of a cycle and the beginning of new eras. This year has the potential to be a potent year of growth, putting new ideas in place, moving forward with long-time visions and plans, making new friends, building new relationships and being really, really clear on where you want to be within and without by this time next year.
If you have been doing your inner work, looking into your karma and clearing it up (and this is absolutely essential – the most vital key) then things will line up more easily for you. The regular practice of inner transformational work is the driving force behind moving forward as the Divine Goddess energy that is now running the planet will only support alignment to divine feminine values. We are moving into very challenging times planetary and you will need to be strong, inspired, grounded and ready to be of service.
Over the last three weeks I have been preparing my work for this year and working with the Divine Goddess and Yeshua to get ready and clear on how I can most help my clients and students and what is required for you all to be able to step up to the next level and ride the intense waves of energetic changes that are going to increase exponentially in the coming months. The year will be what you make of it and how well you are aligned to the new energies. There are some fundamental shifts to be made.
One vital shift is a complete chakra re-alignment, and the other is a change in direction of the subtle and light body fields. This is the only way the new energies can come in, be integrated and you can realign your energies so that you can manifest what you need and want. To this end, I have worked with Spirit to create a simple course of action – 3 sessions at 5-day intervals. To make this super affordable and to honour my committed clients who I know are dedicated to the growth and planetary service, I am offering this at £144 only.
I am also working on a kundalini consultation programme, as many of you will now be feeling the effects of awakening kundalini – more to come on this. Let me know if you feel this relates to you.
The next thing I have come up with to assist you, my longer-term clients who have gone through my personal sessions, I have worked with Spirit to create a new and more accessible healing system which only works with those of you who have already been through a course of private sessions – I am offering remote one-to-one sessions on the basis that you send me your query or current issue by email, we set a time and I work on you remotely and advise you afterwards of any information, direction, insight or advice afterwards. These sessions are for those who know me well and trust – trust in the healing, trust in Spirit and are ready and willing to step up in that trust. It is more powerful, way more powerful, than information sessions which many of you prefer, as you are saying to the universe that you do trust and that allows Spirit to work through me with an exponentially increased amount of light and strength. I have ben working more in this way with a few clients recently and they report the most profound, powerful and exciting shifts of all. These sessions, because I am not having to consume my mental and psychic powers to answer your questions, I can channel greater energy, for the time being, I can do, only for my long-time clients, at the better fee of £50. Normal sessions, Skype person-to-person are the same.
I would also like to ask you a favour. I’m also launching my sacred art business, sacred silk accessories and interiors for body and home. I need to build a list of possible outlets, yoga and retreat centres for example and would be super grateful for any introductions, suggestions of places who might stock some of my range or have me come and do a show. If any of you know someone who would be (or you would be) interested in being an agent do let me know – very reasonably priced very beautiful coloured silks to adorn your body and homes and bring the sacred into everyday life. Have a look at the Divine Emanations (http://www.templesforhumanity.org/divine-emanations.html) and you will get an idea of the imagery that is going on shawls, wraps, sarongs, cushion covers, duvet covers and pillow cases and kaftans.
Finally, I wish you all a wonderful year of empowerment, well-being, prosperity and divine inspiration.
Swans shows with us