Here are the many shows I have done on Migrants and Refugees. When we care we learn and when we learn we understand. We all come from somewhere and every country is made up out of many who have come from somewhere else.
Sara Troy hosted these shows and is very proud to bring the voices of the world to a engaged platform.
Mirela Sula celebrate-life-as-a-migrant-woman
Jason Bergen the-migrant-voice
Dr. Joseph Castleberry the-new-pilgrims-and-a-renewal-in-faith
Mary Terzian politically-homeless-a-cultural-journey
Ornela Peka the-innocence-of-syrian-children-refugees
Rafeal Dos Santos this-foreigner-can-starting-a-new-life-in-a-new-country
Tasleem Mulhall a-womans-right-to-freedom
Tony Selimi are-you-truly-listening
Aura Imbarus out-of-the-transylvania-night
Harriet Khataba her-story-matters
Eduardo Vazquez mexican-immigrant-millennial-gay-modern