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IG20-50 Possessing tools to enhance us with ENOLIA

Ignite your heart and soul with Sara Troy and her guest Enolia, on air from December 8th

When we want to make a significant change in our lives, do we look outside of ourselves? Enolia shares her journey about transforming her own life and the tools attained by working with indigenous elders to do so. We already have everything that we need, we just have to know how to use it.

Enolia shares ancient wisdom to enrich our modern lives.

Enolia has traveled the world to study with indigenous elders of the Ojibwa Lakota, Yaqui, Hopi, and Apache Nations of north America to the Mapuche of Chile and the Toltec of Mexico to the Luhya of Kenya, just to name a few. ENOLIA is a graduate of ‘Four Winds Light Body School’ where she received the 13 Rites of the Munay-ki from the Q’eros Indians of Peru.

From the lessons of these teachers/elders ENOLIA walks the path set before her as teacher, counsel, healer empowering others to reach their goals. ​ Her 20 plus years navigating the dynamics of the corporate world fortified her with leadership development, performance excellence and empowerment coaching. ENOLIA holds a degree in mathematics and graduated in the top 1% of her MBA class. She networked entire IT solutions for global organizations, in the profit and non-profit sectors, holds degrees and multiple certifications in technology, served on multiple boards, is an ordained minister and is certified in various empowerment methods. ​ A natural orator, ENOLIA harmonizes corporate experience with a broad knowledge base that includes many facets of energetic medicine, and all of which are focused on healing and the empowerment of the soul.

Enolia is a Life Coach, International Educator, Medicine Woman, Speaker, Artist & Author, Podcaster. See Sara Troy on Today’s Conversations with Sara Jane and Enolia . 

Giveaway: Anyone who subscribes to my Newsletter on from the release of the podcast for three days (insert date) will receive Wave After Wave ~ a meditation by ENOLIA. Please note you will be signed up for Enolia’s newsletter. Email Adress to

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