Ignite your heart and soul with Sara Troy and her guest Christian de la Huerta, on air from September 15th
Unleash Your Inner Hero: New Book ‘Awakening the Soul of Power’ Helps Individuals Answer the Urgent Call for Heroism Today Award-winning author Christian de la Huerta examines everyday power struggles and how to responsibly wield personal empowerment.
Heroism is historically associated with the likes of brave knights and superhumans, soldiers, and firefighters. More recently, the definition has been expanded to include frontline health workers, teachers, and other essential personnel, but what if every human could tap into their inner hero and realize their full power and potential?
The new book Awakening the Soul of Power, by award-winning author and personal transformation coach Christian de la Huerta, unpacks the power struggles that exist in all humans and redefines what a hero looks like in the 21st century.
“Have you ever held your opinions back in a situation at work or in a relationship, or said yes when inside you really felt no, when asked to do something? Everyday there are examples of how we sell out on our power to avoid conflict or gain acceptance,” explained de la Huerta. Awakening the Soul of Power, the first of a three-part series titled Calling All Heroes, helps decode why we get stuck in these power struggles—and how we can redefine our relationship to power in order to better navigate these situations.
“COVID has forced us to expand the way we think about heroism. Also, the issue of power is clearly up for us to continue to redefine as a society. It is time to learn how to feel powerful and how to express that power without abusing it and without bringing someone else down in the process.”
An acclaimed speaker, de la Huerta has shared his message at many settings including universities, conferences, corporate trainings, spiritual communities and the TedX stage. In his book, which multiple-Grammy Award-winning singer Gloria Estefan endorsed as “a balm to the soul of anyone searching for truth and answers to life’s difficult questions,” de la Huerta hopes to help transform the reader’s relationship to power, and to themselves.
“It’s time to stop cheating yourself, selling out, and playing small,” he says. “The world needs heroes to answer the call of the modern world—and that hero exists in each person willing to tap into their power.”Awakening the Soul of Power is available for pre-order at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and wherever books are sold.
Leaders Transforming Global Consciousness: Calling Spiritual Teachers, Healers and Activists Ready to Step Up and Unleash Their Inner Hero.
Leaders Transforming Global Consciousness: Calling Spiritual Teachers, Healers and Activists Ready to Step Up and Unleash Their Inner Hero.
* For spiritual teachers, activists, and personal transformation industry leaders who share a mission to support and empower people to step forth and take next steps toward making a difference in these crucial times in which we live. * This is a free virtual summit specifically for people who may feel a sense of mission yet lack the confidence or the know-how as to how to fulfill their purpose—and who would benefit from your ideas, perceptions and experience. With an expected outreach of 200,000 people, the summit will feature over 30 presenters and create a virtual oasis from the fear, uncertainty and polarization we are collectively experiencing and allow us to dream up what a new world may be like on the other side. * Featuring a select group of influencers to participate and share their stories, struggles, breakthroughs and actionable steps on possible paths participants can follow and roles they can play in a post-crisis rebirth and awakening. * Our intent is to inspire people who may be feeling the call to rev things up now and who would benefit from the experience of others who, like you, may have already been serving the role of guide and stewarding in a new world.