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IG18-38 Fluidity of Being with Mila Popovich

Writer's picture: Hub of Discovery Hub of Discovery

Ignite Your Heart and Soul with Sara Troy and her guest Mila Popovich, on air September 11th

MILA POPOVICH is the Founder of EVOLving Leadership – program, consultancy and community for transformational leadership on the scale of personal excellence, organizational development, systemic innovation to planetary path-finding. Mila develops and furthers the potential of individuals, businesses and communities for superior performance, attuning them to the universal life-supporting principles in conjunction with the emerging social trends to maximize return on conscious contribution.

Mila is also a dancer and uses here expression in art dancing to Ignite her spirit which she brings into her other passion EVOLving Leadership. Come hear how the expression of dance and becoming the fluidity of our beingness can flow in all areas of our lives.







As an independent academic, she is a humanities expert, systems thinker and futures consultant. She serves as a CPO (Chief Philosophy Officer) on board of multiple organizations, steering organizational visions and outcomes sourced in the highest values. An international lecturer and speaker, she specializes in ecological literacy and sustainability, value drivers of the new economies, peace and cultural diplomacy, new paradigm of human development and creative sides to future making. She is the Chair of the Membership Communications Committee at the World Academy of Art and Science. Mila is a Global Member of Protopia Labs and a Global Collaborator at the Global Education Futures (GEF) Foundation and a co-author of the GEF Report, Educational Ecosystems for Societal Transformation.

Mila is the Co-Chair of the Global Blockchain and AI Council and a Founding Member of the Global Women in Blockchain. She is a Fellow of Vital Voices – Global Women’s Leadership and an Associate Expert on ethics and gender issues at the European Commission. As the proponent of eco-conscious business, Mila serves on the Executive Committee / Brains Trust of Hazel Henderson’s Ethical Markets Media and is a member of the MasterMind Group at DaVinci Institute. She is an Expert on the Gender Equality Impact Panel of the Katerva Award – the so-called “Nobel Prize in Sustainability.”

Mila’s work is sourced in three major domains: systems sciences and integral knowledge, psychology of transformation, and anticipation and future studies. She has developed a distinctive spectrum of practices – a confluence of academic engagements and artistic creations – for the art and science of transformation, which she lectures on and teaches internationally. Mila delivers lectures and talks; designs courses and webinars; organizes fora and conferences; creates cultural events; and leads and facilitates workshops and transformational labs. In her labs, she engages multiple intelligences to stimulate synesthetic experiences for awakening individual potential and collective genius.

She draws on her cultural range from native Montenegro and resident USA for her artistic expression as a performing artist in multiple dance forms, bilingual poet and experimental theater art director. She is an educational and social innovator and creative entrepreneur – a social artist sourcing her diverse engagements as an academic, artist and activist to engender social transformation and systemic change for individual and collective thriving.

Founder, EVOLving Leadership



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