Ignite Your Heart and Soul with Sara Troy and her guest Rev. Connie L. Habash, MA, LMFT, on air from January 15th
We’re living in high-anxiety times, and it can be tough to bear. But there’s a hidden gift in this anxiety – it’s a wake-up call for us all and an opportunity to deepen on the spiritual path. You don’t have to suffer from anxiety anymore! Rev. Connie shares with us some of her insights and spiritual skills to overcome stress, worry, and fear from her new book, Calm and Confident: 7 Spiritual Keys to Overcoming Anxiety.
Our conversation today is on……
Anxiety is prevalent during our times, especially high-functioning anxiety
Why spiritual people are more susceptible to anxiety, stress, worry, and being overwhelmed.
The spiritual purpose of anxiety, and how it tries to serve your highest good
Some mis-takes that spiritual people make that actually increase their anxiety
A few tips from the book about how to overcome and transform your anxiety into calm and confidence
Special offer for listeners to join my beta program of Awakening from Anxiety
Rev. Connie L. Habash, MA, LMFT, has helped hundreds of students and clients overcome their anxiety and spiritually awaken for the last 25 years. Her experience as a Yoga teacher, psychotherapist, and Interfaith minister create a transformative synergy of body, mind, heart, and spirit. Find out about her workshops, retreats, and Awakening from Anxiety programs on her website:
Link for scheduling a free discovery call with Rev. Connie about overcoming anxiety: