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Garlic Cures

Garlic – Allium sativum

I’d like to start with Allium sativum, or garlic – not only out of respect for my Italian roots, but because it is quite possibly the most potently practical medicinal herb on the planet. We all know this strong-charactered little bulb for its delicious flavor and aroma, but I’m often baffled by how few people use it medicinally for its plethora of healing applications.

This wasn’t always the case. As recently as 60 years ago, garlic was a crucial component in the standard-issue medical kits that were carried by medics in both World War I and II to treat wounds. Its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties have been praised for millennia.

In terms of versatility, there are very few herbs that compare to garlic. It is an effective blood thinner, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-oxidant, and immune system stimulant that promotes heart health and is also proven to lower cholesterol.

My favorite use: garlic can literally knock out a cold or flu in less than 24 hours if used in conjunction with the right dietary protocol and adequate sleep.

The best way to take it? Raw. Yes, this can be intense, but if it’s a little hard on your palette imagine how uncomfortable it is for the critters in your gut that are making you feel lousy.

If I was only allowed to keep one herb in my medicine bag, garlic would be it.

By Nick Polizzi Host of Proven: Healing Breakthroughs Backed By Science & Founder of The Sacred Science


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