Christina Hill is a certified hypnotist, spiritual life coach and a renowned channeler. She is also a Reiki Master and a certified Acutonics practitioner. Christina met the Angel Athella in 2015 while in deep hypnosis. Athella told Christina her life’s purpose had been revealed and the two set out to share Athella’s messages of healing, balance and wholeness with the world. Experience Athella’s wisdom through one-on-one private sessions, a retreat with Christina, or through Athella’s e-books and videos. Christina Hill is a certified hypnotist, spiritual life coach and a renowned psychic channeler. She is also a Reiki Master and a certified Acutonics practitioner. Born with a heightened awareness of her intuitive abilities, Christina has communicated with the spirits of people and animals since she was a child. Told her abilities would condemn her to eternal damnation, she grew up hiding her gifts and experiences from others. Through years of personal work and spiritual mentorship, Christina learned to embrace all aspects of herself and live in harmony with them. From there, she began to hone her intuitive abilities, focusing in on the ancient art of first-person channelling. Christina met Athella in 2015 while in deep hypnosis. Athella told Christina her life’s purpose had been revealed and the two set out to share Athella’s messages of healing, balance and wholeness with the world. Experience Athella’s wisdom through one-on-one private sessions, a retreat with Christina, or through Athella’s e-books and videos.
Christina met the Angel Athella in 2015 while in deep hypnosis. Athella told Christina that her life purpose had been revealed and that the time had come to start guiding people to discover their true nature. Christina calls Athella a “healing ascended master,” sharing that Athella says “ascended master”, “Angel” and “Spirit” are interchangeable terms. Athella guided Christina to transform her body into the healthiest physical vessel for coaching others and channelling. In doing so, she instructed Christina to: eat only high-life-energy foods (a vegan lifestyle) maintain healthy water intake, blessing water with powerful affirmations meditate daily and work to re-train negative thought patterns to positive thoughts engage in regular healthy body movement spend time outdoors in the natural world This says Athella, not only allows Christina to continue to be her channel but also serves as an example to others for how to live in spiritual balance with the physical body—an element of whole-self wellness that is too often left out of spiritual practice. “I work with a divine being that helps people tune in and stay connected to their true self.” – Christina Hill In allowing herself to be a clear channel, Christina has made way for Athella to conduct powerful healing work here on the physical plane. As her testimonials reveal, Athella has helped people with issues ranging from depression and anxiety to physical ailments and diseases to energy blocks and imbalances. She has also simply made herself available to answer people’s questions. Turning the Mystical Into the Commonplace One goal Christina and Athella share is to demystify Athella’s messages so they can be received and enjoyed by all. It may seem otherworldly to be receiving messages from a spirit being, but Christina asks us to consider the message more than the messenger: “The messages that Athella shares—connecting with your guides, the lifestyle of high-vibrational living, living in spiritual balance with the physical body—these are practical tools for everyday life. It’s not so far out there. It’s not so mystical. Look beyond what may seem “far out there” and you’ll find that Athella is really just demystifying ancient truths, bringing them up to the level of common awareness, bringing them to the public eye so we can know about them and talk about them.”
“Align yourself with life. Recognize who you truly are.” – Athella
While some channelled beings are focused on sharing things about the astral plane, extraterrestrial life and other far-reaching mental and spiritual explorations, Athella wants people to focus on being healthy, happy and whole right here on Earth. “She really wants to focus on the health and well-being of humanity,” says Christina, “what that looks like, what it means to be an evolved human being, and how to really live this way. She wants to work with people and talk about issues like addiction and other causes of suffering and disease. She wants to help people return to a sense of self and wholeness. It’s really very back-to-basics with Athella.” We All Have Guides Christina also wants everyone to know that we all have guides and we all have the ability to be in touch with them. Our guides are always present, always available to us and can help us live up to our fullest human potential. “You can actually consider these beings like your friends,” Christina says, “your best friends, your cheerleaders, your coaches. You can make really great living decisions, practical decisions based on the information you receive. Heightening and sharpening this perception is very much like working a muscle in the body. There are some marked things that one must do to achieve this, but we are all able to form a relationship with our guides.” To learn more, visit http://www.athella.org and check out Christina’s YouTube channel.

Channelling Ascension Show is in support of Athella’s monastery! where families can come together in embracement of their whole ascension into their ability to channel divine knowingness and inner and outer love.
Welcome to Athella’s monastery!
Christina Hill is a world-renowned first person channeler whose angel, Athella, connects and heals humans from all over the globe. This is the only retreat in the world offered by a first-person channeler. Athella is a being from the highest dimensional plane who talks through the body of Christina. Athella provides information and healing, connecting individuals to their Guides, and has been invited to speak on both national radio and live TV to bring her messages and healing to any human who is open to receive them.
Christina and Athella offer an exquisite retreat experience for couples, families, and children who are ready to implement conscious living practice into everyday life- as well as those families who desire profound mind-body healing and skills building to maintain high vibrational connectedness with their family systems. Conscious living and ascension into our 5th-dimensional being take on a whole new level when you choose to awaken as a family, and when the decision is made to take the experience of retreat and make it a daily living practice- a lifestyle.
Join Christina and the entire Athella team for our Family Retreats where parents and children are given a chance to deepen their conscious relationships with each other and their individual relationships with Divine Source. Dynamic team-building exercises in nature are combined with conscious movement/adventure/fitness based activities to build confidence and trust in each other, and to teach spiritual and life lessons. Present tense communication facilitation, family constellation development, bonding and attachment enrichment, contrast/conflict resolution, and consciousness in parenting are embedded into the program, blended with fun and laughter- the result is a spontaneous wellspring of joy and high vibration, a true connection to oneself and to others.
As you cross the threshold and enter into Athella’s world, this unprecedented 3-day intensive experience will offer you and your loved ones a doorway to fully transform, connect with your Guides, manifest, and implement tools for sustainable lifelong change. We will journey through the mediums of meditation, with both guided and non-guided sittings, walking meditations, conscious hikes, and learning how pathways to the soul through felt body awareness. Snorkelling in the Gulf of Mexico, swimming with our local dolphin teachers, kayak excursions, guided tours of local crystal water caves and ancient sacred pyramids, rappelling in caves where blue lagoons await exploration are among just a few of the offerings that make this retreat so unique. All participants receive exclusive soul-body work with Christina including Reiki, energy healing, guidance from Athella, open channelling sessions, yoga/spiritual fitness movements, and more. Athella will be hosting impromptu talks to respond to whatever arises in the experience of the participants, allowing for the Now-ness, the present moment, to lead the way.

Athella’s Family Retreats are held in a private luxury three-story beachfront property in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, just 3 hours west of Cancun. Included in the retreat package are lodging in our world-class monastery that has been tailor-made to host our special guests and their beautiful families for their total comfort, 24 hour access to our pool and the breathtaking, open Gulf sea just steps from our back door, all organic vegan meals prepared to the highest specifications by our resident chef, transportation to and from the airport as well as to and from all our activities/excursions, and all materials and supplies to compliment your sacred journey with us. Our wonderful caretakers are also here to assist you in feeling right at home, honouring every detail from the fabric of your linens to the perfect hammock size and your own personalized journal with handwritten notes from Athella.
For more information, visit www.Athella.org.

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