Channeling Ascensions with Sara Troy, Christina Hill and her spirit Athella with their guest Les Jensen, on-air January 9th
Les Jensen says, “To ask (pray to) the Divine Goddess within us (Feminine) to whisper a vision of Heaven on earth. To ask Divine God (Masculine) to show the (incremental) embodiment and thus the physical creation of it into form.
To talk about the flow of creation. As it starts as consciousness dreaming or visioning, a vibrational image of what will become form. And then being still and the following of the impulse of each moment, as it comes into form. From Feminine to Masculine… ???”
Christina says, “Each and every moment of our day, we have the chance to hit the reset button.
We do not have leap into the future, and there is no need to slide back into the past.
We can decide to be attentive and in real-time with our true Divine nature, with Universe, with this precious, ineffable energy that we call the “Now”.
To kick things off for 2018, make a major decision that you will start living more in the Now. Your life will literally transform if you can sincerely embrace this kind of total, radical acceptance.
The healing that we are all seeking for ourselves, our loved ones, our communities, and our Planet begins within US. As we honour our own Now, we are enlightening and raising the collective vibration for ALL. “
And that’s the way it is! Bursts of Light and Love to you ALL!
Christina and Athella
Sara says, ” As a resident of Earth and a particle of the Universe, we owe it to them and owe selves to step into our vibrational energy action and find ways in resolving the issues we have created as a mankind. We underestimate just how empowering we are and that when we choose to, we can balance the masculine and feminine energy to bring about a more peaceful existence among us all.”