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C20-17 Lenka Wallace and the Face Forward Summit

Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Lenka Wallace, on-air from April 14th

Have you ever found yourself standing in front of the mirror in the morning, not knowing what to put on? Or are you one of those people who puts everyone and everything else first, but when it comes to your own needs, you are at the bottom of the list?

As busy professionals and businesswomen, we often forget that our own well-being is crucial to the well-being of our loved ones, our personal and professional relationships, to how well we perform at our careers, and how much we positively influence our communities.

“I am so thrilled to be the host of the upcoming virtual summit called Face Forward: Busy Woman’s Guide to Radiant Beauty.”

This collaborative project features over 21+ Superwomen who came together to share their knowledge, practical tips, and proven-to-work-strategies that will teach you how to have it all. So, if you are a busy mama looking to ignite your glow this Summit is for you!

Sara Troy is so proud to be a part of this wonderful empowering summit starting May 11th. Save your spot here:

Lenka Wallace is a bestselling author, aunt, skin care business owner, business mentor, and teacher whose mission in life is to help women age backwards and thrive financially.

Lenka strongly believes that every woman deserves to be happy, look and feel beautiful, be successful and fulfilled in her career, and enjoy financial freedom. That is why she left her teaching career over 10 years ago to start her coaching business and never looked back. She will teach you how to get started and get going today.


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