Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Telsie-Boese, on air from November 20th
I Never thought that I would write a fictional novel filled with intimacy, romance and betrayal as I wrote and watched “Why” morphed into more than a fictional story. Taking on its own life and energy, finding ways to become a resource novel in “The Art of Making Love” lessons started to emerge on how the heroine ‘Rachel’ learned to cope with skills that move beyond her painful past to becoming more, a writer with heart and soul. A very intimate and descriptive story; you may never want to put it down.
Not just a fictional triangle love story, it is a revolutionary way to teach a taboo topic that lives in most households even in 2016.
Telsie says that throughout my life I had a knowing from deep within that provided the answer to any question I had. A life filled with adventure that has been guided by unseen hands, a life filled with excitement and mystery, that at times could be misinterpreted as totally unbelievable.
It is difficult for me to express who I am or what I do. I feel that I wish to be invisible to many and just be normal. Yet that is impossible for I write to share and hope that the words will bring a message to help and inspire the spirit in all.
Born to explore and artistically inclined in the visual arts and writing have been my passion. This life filled with adventure, never to be bored for there was always something going on in my mind. Feeling that it was very natural to have guidance from above, and the inner voices, the thoughts, and feelings that were with me always.
Wherever I walked, whatever I touched in the many different parts of the world, I left a footprint behind and planted a few seeds for others to find and take on their personal journey of life.
I have followed my dream and been writing for most of my life. Sharing true experiences of life’s journey, also fictional books. Have a website; TheOrb – to share alternative healing and much more. The books that I have written and many healing stories.
Take good care of yourself…. For there is no other like YOU…. Be Love, Be Peace, most of all Be YOU!