Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Loren Stephens, on air from February 13th

Write Wisdom was established by Loren Stephens to provide support and guidance for anyone interested in writing their memoir or life story. It is our belief that every life is unique; that every person has a right to express what is inside their head and inside their heart, but not everyone has the self-confidence or discipline to accomplish this task without the help of a professional coach, editor or writer.
Your memoir may not be headed for the best-seller list, but it will find willing and appreciative readers who want to know about your life. Write Wisdom can help you fashion a readable, compelling, entertaining, and moving memoir through an organized process that will take you from a desire to tell your story to a completed manuscript and published book. You may want to write a memoir of your entire life; a slice of your life story (your teenage years); a memoir about a particularly challenging time in your life (loss of a loved one, battling an illness; a bitter divorce); a dangerous or unusual adventure (living in the jungles of Brazil; kayaking across Lake Michigan); or embarking upon a unique career (the only woman in the boardroom). Whatever the idea, we will help you focus your story, give you ways to overcome your creative blocks and make sure that you cross the writing finish line. We also specialize in historical novels, how-to, inspirational books, and business profiles.
Loren Stephens is president of Write Wisdom and Provenance Press which she founded 10 years ago in Los Angeles. She began her career as an economics and finance textbook editor at Houghton Mifflin Publishing Company. She then joined a mortgage and investment-banking firm in Boston, where she was promoted to senior vice president.
Loren’s love for the theatre and books led her to Los Angeles where she established a theatre and film production company, producing over 30 plays including Hannah Senesh, The Normal Heart and To Gillian on Her 37th Birthday. Loren also served as executive producer for the Emmy nominated PBS documentary, Legacy of the Hollywood Blacklist, narrated by Burt Lancaster; the bilingual documentary, Los Pastores: The Shepherd’s Play, for KCET/Los Angeles; and the docudrama, Sojourner Truth: Ain’t I a Woman? starring Julie Harris and Roscoe Lee Browne. Her productions garnered Golden Apple and Cine Gold Eagle awards. She was also nominated for a national Emmy award.
Loren’s personal essays and short stories have been published in numerous literary journals and newspapers including the Los Angeles Times; the Chicago Tribune; Oracle Fine Arts Review; Tapestries; Jewish Women’s Literary Annual; MacGuffin; Distillery; The Hudson Group of Newspapers; Pig Iron Press; The Jewish Journal of Los Angeles; St. Louis Jewish Light; The Write Room; the anthology, Thanksgiving Tales; Eclectica Magazine; Knee-Jerk; ken*again; The New Plains Review; The Nassau Review; The Montreal Review; Summerset Review; the anthology, Kicking In the Wall edited by Barbara Abercrombie; Peregrine and The New Laurel Review and Forge. Loren was twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize for the best American short story.
Loren is a graduate of Cornell University with degrees in English Literature and Government, and a masters degree from the School of International Affairs and Public Policy at Columbia University.
