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C17-13b Cheryl Bass is Aspiring Women to BE.

Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Cheryl Bass, on air from March 28th


Seven Survival Habits Women Habitually Need to Master to Stay in Business’ 

1. Listen to that still small voice inside of you.

2. Know your story and it’s ending

3. Build a compelling vision that excites you and others

4. Begin everything with your end in mind

5. Find a tribe, join it ensuring you are surrounding yourself with people who will push you, make you accountable and will commit to pulling you up your next step 6. Know your numbers

6. Know your numbers, your competitor’s numbers, the numbers you need to master if you are to attain your vision

7. Understand at a global and pinprick level what makes what you do successful, scaleable, sell-able, sensational and sincere.

I AM WOMAN is a ‘heart centered’ family of aspiring women in business, management, and leadership, who motivate, inspire, empower and support one another through its network of Business Clubs and On-line Forums.



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FOUNDER Cheryl Bass, Award Winning Inspirational Business Growth Speaker, and Coach

Cheryl Bass, The business expert, has spent over 24 years leading national and international businesses at the highest level, putting her in a unique position to deal with contemporary business challenges.

Her mix of vast experience allied with an accomplished ability to make business simple and her infectious enthusiasm and energy has inspired global audiences to seek Cheryl’s advice to achieve immediate, yet sustainable business and personal growth.

Her passion for women’s liberty and growth is evident in her conviction.

For Cheryl’s info and previous show with me GO HERE 

More on your host Sara Troy shows Choose-positive-living


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