Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Joceline Rochelle Tabacco aired June 14-th

My name is Joceline. I’ve lived in Modesto CA for the last 9 years. I travel the country to inspire people to awaken the country to love and kindness. In preparation for our trip, I quit my job working as a 1:1 Aide in Special Education, sold my car, and moved out of my apartment. Then the US Government extended his deployment. This was an unforeseen obstacle, but we both agreed that I should start this journey without him so I did. Regardless of who becomes our next president, I travel the US to spread the important message of Bernie Sander’s Political Revolution. I began my trek in Modesto CA. Then on June 9th, I crossed the Golden Gate Bridge headed North on 101 because of the rich history of San Francisco and that beautiful bridge. We have back-pedaled as a nation. No matter who our next president is we do not have to accept the way life has become in our country any longer. It is time to stand up to our government, and tell them, “We are sick of how life is in the United States, and we demand change that will benefit all of us!” My desire is to visit as many cities as possible to spread the message of Bernie Sander’s Political Revolution to balance to our country and to get Big $ out of our government. My goal is to arrive in Washington DC by presidential election day, November 8. The great thing about this adventure is that my fiancé will join me when he returns to the states and we will have a much larger impact with the American people. After rolling my truck eight times, re-learning to walk and talk, and reaching the unhealthy weight of 280 pounds I have reached full all-around health using natural means. I have been walking the shamanic path for years, and have gained loads of healing knowledge which I gladly pay forward to those who are interested.
Sometimes we get stuck, and it is always helpful to get new ideas. Before my fiancé arrives I will have fun staying with fellow Americans who believe in what I’m doing even if you aren’t a Bernie supporter. We are all different, but we’re all human beings. So let’s forget our minor differences and enjoy one another’s company. The personal stories you share with me add even more fuel to my fire. Bern Baby Bern!! I will keep you all informed of where I am, and I will share my adventures in articles and on video. Together we can make Bernie Sanders Political Revolution gain momentum.
I can’t do it alone America. I know that a large number of you feel the same way about our current state of things, so let’s work together and make this journey happen for all of us. In order to continue this journey, I am grateful for any kindness you can show me. A place to stay, transportation, food, money for my basic needs and traveling costs.
I am thrilled to meet a large number of wonderful people. If you see me please say hi, and give me a hug. I warmly welcome anyone who would like to help with this project.
After all, we need each other to be our best. Together we can amplify this message to make a greater impact.
Peace Out For Now America =)
Joceline Rochelle
She read my article My Personal Spiritual Truths: As Promised, and asked if I would like to share with all of you on the air. Thank you, Sara, =)
Our discussion today is…..
We are all different. Our fingerprints, our DNA, our experiences, and our perception. Therefore, what works for one person is not exactly the same as what works for another person. Everything can and should be tailored to match our uniqueness. The only person who is qualified to decide what works for us is us. This is true in all areas of life. It is our responsibility to embrace our personal truths if we ever want to find true joy and inner peace. I bravely share my personal journey to inspire others to find themselves. Discovering who we really are is scary and takes time, but it is worth it. We all deserve the end result of loving ourselves for who we really are and embracing what we are really meant to do.
Joceline has taken a different path today away from the political view to raising and uniting our vibrations.
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