Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and guest Jennifer Noel Taylor on air from January 12th.
Love Incorporated is a guide for anyone that feels stuck in a mundane job that has little meaning.
If your life feels more like a treadmill than an expression of your passionate heart-centered calling, Love Incorporated will help you tune into what your Heart is *really* telling you.
And what happens *after * you jump off the treadmill to pursue your true calling… Do you still find it difficult to make ends meet? Love Incorporated will help you overcome the *unique* challenges involved in creating a life doing what you love.
In the book, Jennifer describes how she discovered her life mission and took a *Leap of Faith*. She quit her high paying job as a Software Developer and and pursued her true calling. She thought she had displayed such great courage to follow her Heart, so she was surprised to discover that things did not flow very well! She was not prepared for the sheer amount of challenges involved in trying to turn her true passion into a business!
After quitting my job and following my passion, I thought I would be rewarded with instant success.
Boy was I wrong!
Through many setbacks and “learning experiences” (i.e. mistakes) she made some discoveries about how to actually be *successful *doing what you love. Years of study, trial and error, self reflection, and working with mentors, kept leading her back to the same place…
Everything she discovered can be summarized by the Four Key Insights that make up this book.
These insights are a guide to creating a business (and life) doing what you love! You don’t need to sacrifice your passion, Spirit or Integrity to have an abundant business. And in fact, doing what you love is actually instrumental in creating success!
May this book inspire you to follow your Heart and live your true calling!
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Jennifer Noel Taylor
Jennifer graduated from Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo, CA) with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science and a Minor in Philosophy. After graduation, she started her first job as a Software Engineer at a big company in San Diego.
Like so many people, she felt incredibly trapped and depressed at a job that paid the bills but didn’t speak to her passion in life. I constantly suffered from “a case of the Mondays,” this weighty sense of foreboding at the beginning of each work week.
Even though she was incredibly bored at her day job, she started pursuing her true passion at night: massage school! She studied massage at the International Professional School of Bodywork, Esalen Institute in Big Sur, and the Maui Academy of Healing Arts.
While working on people, she started to feel the “energy fields” emanating from people. She became fascinated by energy healing and studied various energy healing modalities including Reiki.
She met Richard Gordon, the founder of Quantum-Touch, at his lecture on Maui. She fell in love with the vision of Quantum-Touch and received a very clear message from the Universe that Quantum-Touch was her true calling. Shortly after she met Richard, she quit her job and took a Leap of Faith. She finally followed her Heart. She took over as CEO of Quantum-Touch in June 2002.
Quantum-Touch has grown from a small United States company to an international Corporation with a community of over 50,000 people.
When you are following your Heart, doors will open almost magically.
She has dedicated her life work to helping people discover the healing power of their Love. She strives to integrate spirituality and business by implementing business practices that include spiritually rewarding jobs, loving spiritual service to the world, environmental responsibility, and financial abundance.
Quantum-Touch has grown from a small United States company to an international Corporation with a community of over 50,000 people.
If more people did what they love, how much more joyful the world would be.
Contact Information
Quantum—Touch, Inc.
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