Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Claire-France Perez. Originally aired August 4th/15
Turmeric a member of the ginger family has long since been used for health issues, today we share some with you and how also embracing Mandala Manifesting can guide you to a better life.

The turmeric project came out of my own terrible moment (about 5 months) in which my heel was pinned to my butt, and my knee could not extend for the life of me. Rheumatoid Arthritis attack, while living at friends’ and with a bucket by my bead… I had entered into old age with no hope of a way of life until I tried Turmeric. Now I’m controlling this with the gut (fasting) and turmeric. It is an amazing wonder ingredient. More info on turmeric health/power-spice-turmeric-may-help-treat-diabetes-
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The Mandala Manifesting derives from various manifesting challenges which have given fruit in amazing ways. The link is a free coupon to the course, in its beginning stages.

“Those who have tried the first exercise have already achieved far greater results, even in less than two weeks. It’s the level of clarity they gained themselves, that has reduced the time it takes to actually manifest,” says Claire-France. Don’t try it if you are just plain lazy on reaching your objectives: It may be challenging, but it really works!
The newly completed course,“ Mandala Manifesting: Coloring For a New Future is ready to create for your colouring imagination, and for visualizing your new future. “Helicopter” out with the Time Travel Essay, and formulate how you will respond when everyone is congratulating you–at the event you formulate in your first exercise of the Manifesting Course.Join the mailing list for upcoming webinars, and discount coupons on the combination of the 2016 16-month calendar, on sale through September 1, 2015, when it converts to the classic 12-month, for a few dollars more.