Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Verna Bowen aired November 10th-16th
Neuroscience tells us that gratitude boosts the neurotransmitter, dopamine, in the same way anti-depressants do. It increases serotonin too. Both dopamine and serotonin help to balance moods – dopamine by helping to control impulsive behaviour, and serotonin to produce calmness and overall happiness.
Are you living in gratitude, are you embracing all you, are now are you BEing Inspired by life?
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Verna Bowen is a coach for Healing Arts Practitioners, including Life Coaches.
She says she lived in two worlds for most of her life – a world of light and kindness that showed her how amazing and limitless she truly is, and a world of darkness that told her otherwise. She was verbally bullied for her looks, having undergone two eye surgeries before starting kindergarten, but she says it never really took her totally out of the game completely. Verna says it was the nurses at the hospital who initially gave her a great sense of self-worth. “They ignited and unleashed my true nature – my vibrant personality and big, kind spirit,” she says, “by simply allowing me to shine in every way.” It was her family that nurtured self-respect, love of learning, and kindness towards people and animals. Verna is currently writing her second book, “Healing the Healer Within,” after facing her own demons and finding the key to rising above low self-esteem as a child and teenager. She seeks to speak world-wide because her passion for inspiring others to find their true brilliance and worth is so big that she says it cannot possibly contained within her current city of Calgary or even within Canada! She currently leads an online group of holistic healers and coaches, as is planning a Virtual World Summit for March, 2016.
Take a read of her article on letting the shame go. the-power-of-exposing-shame/