Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Keith Gregory, on air from February 6TH

Have you ever wondered ‘What does my Masculine energy look and feel like, and how does he live and come alive in my life? And conversely, how is he not alive in me now?’ For that matter, what does your Feminine nature feel like? To Awaken one, you’ll have to embrace and empower the other. Essential in your Journey of Awakening, is empowering your SACRED – regardless of your gender, beliefs or past history. Empowering your Sacred creates the foundation to consciously explore and develop your MASCULINITY in entirely new and amazing ways.
What You Will Receive In The Awakening Your Sacred Masculine Journey:
Learn to use powerful Tools of Consciousness to help Awaken Your Sacred Masculine
Discover The Sacred Masculine’s Core Values and develop ways to embody them in your daily life
Learn basic Energy Anatomy 101, to better understand and maintain your Lifeforce energy systems and functions
Learn the potent magic of Living Ceremony and how to co-create masterfully in life, to empower you and your dreams into fruition
Deepen your meditation practice exponentially, by developing a conscious connection to your Sacred, through grounding into your Higher Self Alignment and coming to rest in your Vertical Power Current or Soul Stream.
Receive Attunement Sessions (delivered one-on-one online, 1 hr)
Keith is Offering Two, Four & Eight Week Initiatory Journeys To Awaken Your Sacred Masculine.
Keith Gregory says “I am an energy artist, Soul Coach, Advanced Energy Healer and originator of The Initiatory Journey To Awaken Your Sacred Masculine. I have learned to do this work through my own arduous self-healing journey and by addressing and transforming the considerable woundology of my past. I am clairvoyant and medical intuitive, being born highly empathic. Having studied and practised a wide array of alternative healing and consciousness growth modalities for over 35 years, I have been developing my innate intuitive and healing abilities to assist those I work with.” My code, gift and commitment is helping you Awaken yourself.
My Last show with Keith
More on your host Sara Troy’s shows,
