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C 17-42 Building a Business from the Ground Up

Choose Positive Living with Sara Troy and her guest Gary Bizzo, on air from October 17th

Dreaming of having your own business but do not know where to start, then this show is for you. Gary will guide you through the steps needed in giving your business a good foundation in which to grow on. 

Many issues come to play when deciding to be brave and start a real business with your business idea. It’s not for the faint of heart and many have lost everything trying.

There is no easy explanation on how to build a successful business but there are things that can help you be successful.

  1. A SWOT Analysis (strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) The first two are personal and the last are things you can’t control.

  2. A plan whether it’s a lean canvas or a full-blown business plan

  3. Resources both in people and money or a place to find both

  4. Systems in place to manage growth

  5. A Passion for what you are creating



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Gary Bizzo,  Strategist/Global Influencer

Gary has mentored over 1000 business leaders, investors and entrepreneurs and is a global social media influencer and author. Forbes in May 2017 said Bizzo was one of the Top 25 Small Business Accounts on Twitter. London-based Richtopia said Bizzo was one of the Top 200 Social Influencers in the World for 2017.

He is a Weekly writer for (the largest platform for emerging growth companies). He is the author of “How to Start a Successful Business – the First Time” and “Social Media Rock Star – Social Media Marketing for Business” both on Amazon.

Gary is a Partner at Equifaira – Liquidity Event Planners, specialists in strategy & execution, corporate finance, capital formation & investor relations.

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Book 2 “Social Media Rock Star – Social Media Marketing for Entrepreneurs & Business” to be published Oct. 30, 2017 on Amazon

Bizzo Rockstar book

Twitter: garybizzo

LinkedIn: garybizzo

Facebook: gary.bizzo

Instagram:  mentorbizzo

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