Our self development radio guest. Here you will find the authors who have the book that will help you discovery your true purpose and meaning on your journey in life.
Each author has been interview by us so take a listen and buy their books from here
Julieanne O’Conner (our Transforming-relationships host) books show us how to have that great relationship with your man and in your career, by knowing what the triggers are and in how to deal with issues that arise with in relationships, even with self.

More on Julieanne and her shows Julieanne OConner
Peter Sammarco. More of his books can be found on Spirituality page.HERE

Renee Mollan-Masters, M.A.
You Are Smarter Than You Think
An expose of the educational system.
For Renee’s show GO HERE
Tracy Mcgee: Hurry Before the Snow Flies.
We are not born with a manual on how to grieve the multitude of losses we may experience in our lifetime. Typically, grief catches us unaware and we are left shaking in our shoes as we try to make sense of our losses.
This book is the author’s journey through loss: with hope, humor, and renewal. It is a guide to help you find your way home.
For her shows GO HERE
Dawn Westmoreland’s book, “The Empowered Whistleblower: A Practical and Spiritual Path to Personal Power.
A Practical and Spiritual Path to Personal Power, prompted the need for a foundation for women being bullied in their workplace.
More on her show GO HERE
Win Charles: At age 24 I decided to tell my story. Writing this autobiography gave me the opportunity to pay tribute to my family members who are passionate about life and have instilled this passion in me. My parents’ extraordinary support, encouragement, and pure love were my foundation as I navigated life, overcame obstacles, and achieved successes as a young woman with cerebral palsy. I have to pay full tribute to my mother, who died in August 2010. From her I learned to listen to my own voice as a guide to making life choices. She taught me to always expect the best from myself. My hope is that this book will provide insight into the extraordinary possibilities that those who live with disabilities have. I also hope that those without disabilities– rather than putting a focus on our differences – will come to understand what we all have in common. This book is for my mom, with love. CLICK HERE TO BUY BOOK FOR WIN’S SHOW GO HERE
Rico Rocosky :Just 2 Choices: It’s That Simple
Open the door to one of life’s greatest little secrets—that your point of power is in EVERY choice. Just 2 Choices shows how to transform your everyday, ORDINARY choices into EXTRAORDINARY choices every day—so you can live that EXTRAORDINARY life that you desire… choice by choice by choice. Contains the original, breakthrough, full-color graphics about choice to rapidly accelerate personal growth with instant “I get it!” insights into the quality of your everyday choices.
David Dibble: Using the 4 Agreements as his platform, New Conscious Systems (NCS) is a proven roadmap for the transformation of the workplace to a socially responsible place of huge productivity and even joy.

Barb Schmidt “In The Practice, you will learn that a wellspring of inner peace and happiness exists inside each one of us, and is easily accessible with simple techniques that require only minutes a day.”
They say “Practice” makes perfect, in this case to practice living in a loving peaceful with life respect is what shows you your inner voice and brings you peace and understanding.

Ann Betz; We live in a world of both profound separation and deep longing for connection. Betz and Kimsey-House explore not only the historical and spiritual history of our disconnection and its cost to individual and societal well-being, but also provide a compelling, neuroscience-based argument for how to make the next “great turning” of human development: becoming more integrated human beings. They invite you to accompany them through a road map to integration by exploring in detail the Co-Active model, originally used by coaches, but with practical application to business, parents, teachers, and anyone with a desire to be more effective, connected, and whole. Richly illustrated with true stories of integration in action, as well as current research in neuroscience, this book provides a guide to reaching our full potential within ourselves, with each other, in groups and organizations and with society at large.
Richard Greenberg: This book gives parents an overview of the process while offering specific suggestions and guidelines to reduce conflict between parents and their kids, improve communication within any family, and replace the stress of parenting with true common sense.
For this and Richards other book CLICK HERE
For Richards show GO HERE
Alex Bratty. A must-read for anyone who is in transition, facing major life choices, or feeling frustrated, stuck, lost, or trapped in situations that they don’t know how to change.
So many of us walk around living the lives and working the jobs that we think we should. We start to think life has to be this way; that we should just suck it up and get on with it. We question if true happiness is ever possible or just something that happens in Hollywood movies. We wonder if we can ever find the answers to the questions we’ve been asking our whole lives. Or, maybe we just feel that something is missing because we feel empty and unfulfilled.
Michael Paul Ziegfeld . “You have probably never heard of me. There may be a very slight possibility you recognize my name or maybe my face. But I have no delusions. I’ve always said, ‘I’ve sky-rocketed to the middle.’ It’s a very small percentage of those who become famous. But I never really wanted that. I’ve worked in over forty countries, comedy-toured with some “names,” done some television, a few movies, voiceovers, TV/film puppeteering, off-off-take-a-left-turn-off Broadway, producing, directing, writing, coaching, and I only did restaurant and temp work in my late teens. I haven’t gotten as far as some, but I’ve gotten farther than others who have tried to live a show business life. This is a little taste of my attempts to move up the ladder. I hope you like it. These are the highlights of my life…so far.” – BUY THE BOOK HERE FOR HIS SHOW GO HERE