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20-25 The Stepping Up for change is here.

Sara’s View Of Life with Sara Troy, on-air from June 16th

What does this mean? With every­thing that is go­ing on in the world right now, we are be­ing shaken up so we can wake up and STEP up to change it up. I be­lieve we are in the Step up stage as we change things up. One of the things we need to un­der­stand is that change is not only nec­es­sary but im­per­a­tive for our sur­vival in and on this planet. Al­low, be­lieve, and step up for the change you seek, for we are both the ques­tion and the so­lu­tion. Stand­ing up has brought us the #Me2 move­ment, is has brought us more un­der­stand­ing of our plan­etery needs, it has ig­nite us in anger over our Black lives been torn apart by po­lice bru­tal­ity, and we have had to stand up dur­ing Covid 19 to be there for each other in sup­port care kind­ness and even LOVE.

So even though you have been shaken up, it can leave one feel­ing a lit­tle ven­er­a­ble, but it does wake us up in the un­der­stand­ing that we were not so se­cure as we thought, and we can not ig­nore life as we are a part of it. Wak­ing up can be scary but also so ex­cit­ing, as it is a new can­vass in which to paint our de­sires and dreams on for our selves and for our global na­tions. Step­ping up can be hard for one does not al­ways know-how, but again a will­ing­ness to put one foot in front of an­other gets us mov­ing in the right di­rec­tion., it is Ac­tion­ism in place. Chang­ing things up once you have stepped up, can come easy as you see what is needed to make those changes and are you are now clearer of where to seek the help in or­der to make the changes needed for you and for our global com­mu­nity. So do let fear crip­ple you, or anger or that false il­lu­sion of com­fort­a­bil­ity stop you, for the changes needed in the world first starts with us and we can only do that if we wake up and step up af­ter we have been shaken up and now wish to change it up.

Here on this Self Dis­cov­ery Me­dia net­work, we have 2500 shows of wis­dom that can help you on your path, you are never alone and with the right per­son guid­ing you, it is easy to take those steps and em­brace a new way of liv­ing. Writ­ten by Sara Troy of Self Dis­cov­ery Me­dia Net­work


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