Sara Troy on Sara’s View of Life, on air from April 14th
This Corvid virus has changed in how we look at life, it has changed how we look at each other and most certainly has changed in how we see our selves and our future.
I work from home, many hours a day at the computer bringing you shows of wonderment and knowledge. For me, not much has changed, except, I can’t see my family, I can’t go a walking about nore eat out. Thats ok, but how has it changed for you?
This is a gift of time, we in our isolation can take the time to reflect, review and renew our state of mind heart and soul and decide how we want to live after this is all over.
For me, hurry up and slow down. I was meant to launch a new platform but have run into a roadblock, so I created a temporary one so I can continue on, as this is a time people need inspirations, solutions, and direction.
I am a flap in the wind kind of gal, and like a willow tree, go with the flow. I would love a more structured platform, but, I am all about the content, so I have made sure that is there, as that is what matters. For, in the end, it is not the cover, the sparkle, and glitter, but what is in the inside that counts, in all aspects of our lives, within our selves, and in all that we do, it is all about what we bring to our own lives and to those all around us.
What reflections have you had and what changes are you going to make once this is over? In this time of reflection? are are you going to go about your life in the same way afterward, or change it up to a more deliberate path that serves your soul, heart spirit mind and body? This is the gift of time, after all, to take stock and decide to change things up, we may never get a global opportunity to make the changes needed again, so take stock, reevaluate and redirect your self forward into a warmer light.
After all our choices direct us and affect every aspect of your life, so is it time to make different ones?
So come and share with us here on comments or on our Facebook