10 Minutes of Peals of Wisdom from Sara Troy on Sara’s View of Life show. On air from August 6th
Words we speak leave an impact on others, good or bad. Choosing our words for the right environment and speaking from the heart can capture an audience in wonderment.
It is not just the words we use but in how we use them.
Feeling our words as well as thinking them brings about more authenticity to what we are saying.
Our first impression before we even speak, speaks volumes.
Our body language sets up your honesty in what you are saying.
Do not speak to insight but to invite.
We become our words, for they are our intent, so be thoughtful, mindful, heartful in the words you chose and speak them in your truth inviting others to be taught and inspired by them.
Attitude does change everything for it lays the ground in which you will be heard and perceived. Be positive even when speaking to things that are negative, for if you go to too negative in your presentation it is hard to steer them back to a positive attitude.
Always leave people feeling good about what they have heard feeling empowered and wanting to share, then you know that your words have had a good effect on them and that is all we want to achieve.
Words are powerful use them wisely use them kindly