Join Sara Troy on Sara’s View of Life, on air from January 2nd/2018
Let us look at 2018 differently, let us see all the possibilities in life, let us care for each other, let us be kind to one another, let us be thoughtful to our planet, let us be mindful of our anger let us be carefree with our spirit let us lead with our soul and follow our heart let us be open-minded and embrace differences let us know love, give love, share love, be love and let us be the inspiration to others we seek for our selves let us all unit in trust and work together to make this a better world. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ONE AND ALL. from Sara Troy
As the quote says, I am not here to change your mind, that is your life’s journey, I am here to help you embrace that change and share with you the wisdom and tools others have found along the way on their own life’s journey.
We are entering a new vibration, one that requires us to step up, for we have been shaken up and woken up, and now it is time to step up into the action of changing it up.
2018 is that time, the energies are right, the vibration of our intent set, and the wind behind our backs propelling us forward into a new era of empowering our lives and liberating our hearts and souls into being the answers we seek.
No longer just a thought, but an action, no longer just a discontent, but standing up and being counted, no longer living in fear, but rising up above the fear to empower our very being, our humanity and in the protection of life and planet.
