Sara’s View of Life with Sara Troy, on air from March 28ST
Before you hire anyone is their personality suited to your company.
Understanding and enlightened communication in the workplace raises respect and good relations, which in turn is passed on to the clients. A happy workplace makes for long-term staff and long-term clients. A tension in the workplace usually comes from misconception and perceiving communication. Clear concise talk in your S.E.L.F for everyone to understand, eliminates the problem of misunderstanding the situation.
We want our employees to get along, and they can when they know each other’s personality traits and in how to communicate with each other. Well, that communication comes from knowing your own personality traits and where you are at this space in time of your life, which helps you interact with self and those around you in a far more concise way.
Clarity is the key with the Discovery of SELF, knowing how you speak, how you’re heard, and how to hear others.
I am going to share with you the program I do on the ‘Discovery of S.E.L.F” (Soul Empowerment Loving Fulfillment) and discover your interactions with life in knowingness and self-love.