Self Discovery Hosts wish you all a Merry Christmas filled with Compassion Love and Joy.
Every year we bring you seasonal messages of love and good will from our current hosts, some have not been able to but send their seasonal messages for love and joy anyway.
We know it is a time of busyness and stress, so make sure you take time to breathe and enjoy the moments of the season. In the end it is about the joy of sharing, giving, receiving, enjoying and togetherness that brings us the GIFT of loving memories, for that in the end is the Gift of the Present.
May your joys be met, may laughter fill your table and may your heart be filled with love that lifts spirits into divine joy. From all of us to you and yours we wish you a Wonderful Merry Christmas and Festive Season to one and all faiths, races, sexs ,colours and creeds for in the need for love we are ONE.
Sara Troy your producer and host of Choose Positive Living and Their Story Matters, and Positive Round table and Saras View of Life
Bill Mackie and Suma Nathan or Wise Health shows. wise-health
JulieAnne O’Connor from Transforming Relationships transforming-relationships
Vicki McLeod from Everyday Happiness everyday-happiness
Lynnis Woods-Mullins from the Wellness Journey new-wellness-journey-show
An Abundant Hopeful, Positive, and Vibrant 2016 to you all.