Airing January 6-12th, 2015 on Conscious Business with Pamela Lunch and her guest Shawn Bearman
As we enter a new year, it is appropriate to bring on an expert who knows how to help you to get results, and inspire you to achieve the results you want in 2015. It is my pleasure to welcome Shawn Bearman on the call today. Shawn shares with you how to get clear about getting complete for 2014 and starting your new year set for success. She also offers excellent tips to set powerful goals. And you’ll learn the two things it takes to get results.
Shawn Bearman is a Radical Coach. Certified as a Coach in 1994, Shawn Bearman has spent the last 20 years continuing to develop herself as a master coach and results producing expert.
Her journey took her from coaching/counseling youth, specifically violent male adolescent sex offenders, and their behaviour disorders to employment counselling. 10 years later, Shawn was offered a position with Landmark Education, ”a global educational enterprise committed to the fundamental principle that people have the possibility of success, fulfillment, and greatness.” She spent seven years developing as a leader of personal development and leadership programs leading the most effective and powerful training programs in the world.
Now unleashing this effectiveness on the World, Shawn is inspiring clients to look beyond their roadblocks to the ultimate destination of “having it all”.
You may connect with Shawn Bearman through her website and will find all of her contact information at:
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