Aired October 28th-November 3rd on Live Your Best Life with Dina Marias
Creating a Vision is not enough as it represents a too big a picture and it needs to be chunked down in small enough pieces to execute and manifest.
That is what we talk about in this show. The process of how to compile a strategy – of how to implement your 5 Year Vision.
This process is done best on the floor as this kinesthetic process allows your body to feel the strategy and how it settles within you. In the show you will receive explicit instructions on how to do this.
Once you have your strategy worked out, then it is time to set goals. According to the Success Formula to have a plan is important and even more important is to take action, to work the plan.
Have pen and paper ready as you will want to dot down some realizations for yourself.
Challenge for you:
Compile your Vision if you haven’t done so already
Compile your Strategy to establish you 5 yearly milestones
Set your Goals for the first year
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