Airing October 7th-13th on Wise Health with Suma Nathan and her guest Marti Avila
Part one on how laughing yourself healthy can lead to wellness but taking charge of your own health.
Marti says that as a little girl, I remember bringing my little friends home when they where hungry, thirsty or needed help, so I could help them.
Now as an adult, my biggest happiness is to help people get healthy and happy.
My journey started when I studied and learned how to lose weight. I lost over 100 lbs when I was 19 years old. That left me with a passion and genuine interest to learn how the body functions, heals, works and most importantly, how to stay healthy.
For the last three and a half decades I’ve been practicing eating healthy, exercising (or as I call it “Moving”), taking supplements and telling jokes, keeping my self and people around me positive, uplifted and happy.
With great gratitude and enthusiasm, I’ve had the opportunity to go to school and further my formal education by becoming certified in the following fields in order to make this my true career and life’s mission:
Certified Holistic Health Coach
Certified Ayurveda Practitioner
Certified Dr. Daniel Amen Brain Health Professional
A Natural Hormone Cure Practitioner
CME (Continuing Medical Education) in Certificate Natural Supplementation
Course graduate of “Nutrition for Disease Prevention and Health Promotion”
Member of AADP (American Association of Drugless Practitioners)
Certified Holistic Health Practitioner
Health column writer for “North County Woman” Magazine
T: 702-370-3427
More on Suma and her many shows on health got to wise-health/