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14/3 The Benefits of Mindfulness – Part 1

Airing the week of January 20th – Monday, again Wednesday, Friday at 8am PT/ 11am ET on Happiness and Success with Angela Goodeve. The Benefits of Mindfulness – Part 1 with Erica Licon

In past shows we have talked about the importance of being in the present moment to fully experience all that life has to offer; get “out of our heads” and live from our hearts; and to connect in a meaningful way with those around us

Mindfulness takes this a step further.  It incorporates being in the present moment, but also includes a more conscious focus on what we are doing so that we are living largely in a meditative state;

Mindfulness includes being more of an objective observer of, not only thoughts in our mind, but “triggers” and other stimuli in our environment;

Mindfulness incorporates visualization to heal your body and facilitate success in life; and

Mindfulness allows you to be in a more positive and calm state so that we can respond to stressors in a more graceful, resourceful and productive way.

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In Part 1 of this two Part Series, Erika Licon describes her personal journey of triumph over adversity, and the amazing healing benefits of mindfulness, visualization and claiming your personal power to create miracles in your life!  We also offer some great tips to living a more mindful life today!

Here is a sneak peak at the radio show, and TV show airing on Conscious Evolution Media, Path to Joy and Prosperity TV, live on January 23rd, 2014!

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Erika Licón is a former business litigation attorney turned passionate Transformational Coach and Executive Coach. She is innovative in approach and draws from her training-experience in: Business, NLP Coaching, Mediation (mediator, Civic Ctr for Mediation), Holistic Healing, and Positive Neuroplasticity Principles—the brain’s ability to change structurally and functionally for the better—to help her clients realize their goals.

How did a business litigation attorney become interested in Coaching? In 2005, she fractured numerous bones in her body, was in a wheelchair for almost a year, and was told it was unlikely she would walk again. She witnessed the power of diligently applying holistic healing methods and a mindfulness lifestyle; she transcended every dire diagnosis. She then became inspired to begin coaching and empowering people to take charge of their health and lives.

As a Transformational Coach, no area of life is off limits and every goal is attainable.

She has had the opportunity to work with entrepreneurs and businesses on many levels, and realized the dynamics that enabled them to THRIVE.  As an Executive Coach, she coaches her clients to master essential Business Leadership Skills.

To learn more about Erika, her business, her tours, and to read her informative blog, visit her websites here:

 Upcoming and past shows and more on  Angela -angela-on-happiness-and-success-in-life/


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