Aired June 23rd- on The Writers Divine Den with Jackie VanCampen
Jackie VanCampen interviews Shanda Bisanz, founder of Spiritual Writer’s Network. On this interview, Jackie and Shanda talk about the publishing world and Shanda shares some invaluable tips on how to keep your commitment to your writing and getting yourself published. Shanda is a gifted writer and inspires those on the journey how to access their inner writer. An interview not to be missed.
Shanda Bisanz is an author, publisher and spiritual counsellor. She has been a student of various spiritual studies for many years, and finally found her life’s purpose once she discovered a way to mend her love of spirituality together with her passion for writing. She finds great pleasure in promoting the work of others and feels it is important for the teachers, writers, artists and healers of the world to have a platform in which to share their wisdom. Shanda believes by doing so, we can collectively raise the world’s vibration with love and inspiration. She is the founder of Spiritual Writers Network, a networking website where writers can connect and share their writing with other like-minded individuals. Through her digital magazine, New Age News, she enjoys bringing together a group of gifted contributors each month to share their knowledge and experiences with the world. Additionally, Shanda works with aspiring authors and coaches them through the writing process, helping them to move past the fear and offering them access to multiple publishing platforms such as eBook, print and magazine publication.