Aired April 14-on Conscious Business Conversations with Pamela Lynch with her guest Michelle Tremblay
Do you experience bullying in your world, as a teen, an adult, or as a senior? It is a wide-spread problem in our society, and we invite you to take a brief look at the amazing work Michelle Tremblay does as an Anti-Bullying coach. In our conscious conversation, we speak about the path of the bully, the shame and the pain. There’s an urgency to become aware of the energy between the bully and the victim, and the yin and yang to achieve balance within our selves.
Michelle Tremblay is recognised as a powerful speaker, great motivator and compassionate leader. With over 6,000 children, youth, adults and seniors participating in the ANTI-BULLYING training NATION-WIDE, the feedback has been consistent: “I wish I had this training when I was younger so I could have made HEALTHIER lifestyle choices for myself and others.”
Michelle’s passion is helping people from all walks of life to feel “empowered” through teaching self-defense, assertive communication, and fitness, as a means to inspire confidence, increase safety and build self-awareness.
As an Anti-Bullying Coach, it is Michelle’s goal to see children, youth, adults and seniors step into their personal power. We now know that “CONFIDENT PEOPLE DON’T BULLY”. WHY? With core values, self- respect, personal responsibility, self-awareness, safety, boundaries and integrity, there is no need to put others down so we can feel better about who we are.
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Michelle Tremblay is an Anti-bullying Trainer who has trained, coached and mentored thousands of youth, adults and seniors throughout Canada. As a project specialist, she has just completed a Youth Anti-Bullying Initiative in partnership with Crimestoppers that impacted the prevention of crime and violence in the Okanagan community. She is a Certified 2nd Degree Black Belt with 15 years of Karate training; Karate BC insured member registered National Karate Association in Canada; NCCP Level 1 & 2; Certified Life Coach Practitioner (2009); Okanagan College Instructor (Summer Camps, Continuing Studies , ESA & Management Contracts); ; 2013 Nominee – “Kelowna’s Most Favorite Athlete”; 2007 Fellowship Award JCI Canada; 2006 JCI National Chair Effective Speaking Program, Keynote speaker; Provincial Instructor Diploma, VCC; Emergency First Aid CPR – AED Level A (2011); a completed criminal record check.