Airing March 31st April 2 & 4th at 9 am on Empower Hour with Coach Brandi and her guest Nancy Miller Ogren
Nancy Ogren Esoteric Astrologer who returns to Empower Hour with Coach Brandi to discuss the astrological forecast for the month of April, specifically regarding the New Moon in Aries. Nancy will also be offering guidance for two members of the listening audience. If you would like to have a mini astrological chart reading for the month of May please forward your birthdate, time and location to to be included in the readings.
For over thirty years, Nancy Miller Ogren has helped many people nationwide with
her intuitive gifts, astrology readings and energy workshops. A past resident of
both East and West Coasts, Ms. Ogren currently resides in Colorado and is continually in demand for workshops, bookstore events, and as a radio guest.
For monthly moon-mailings via email, copies of her books or live chat, please contact Ms. Ogren through her website: or email: or phone 970 226-3381
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