Originally aired 12-03-2013. “Positive Living Vibrations” with Sara Troy guest Guvy leads a Prayer that will unit 2 million people globally.
Guvy (the infinite) is a Mastermind Meditation Leader and Facilitator! He is the Founder of INC
(Infinity Network Club) Infinite Possibilities! His Mission is to help your Inner Hero Champion Play a bigger Game than your Currently Playing! The Infinity Network Group has produced 100’s of Personal and Spiritual Growth events the Past 5 Years! Which has Lead to the New Campaign of journey2amillion! To Help you raise your Vibration to a Higher Frequency! With the Power of Live Group Meditation! This is backed by Scientific Studies and Ancient Spiritual Practices that show this is a method that really Works! His Vision is to start the journey2amillion from a grassroots movement! Bringing 1 million Inner Heros Creating Love, Joy, Wealth, Peace and Awareness at one Central Time! With the Power Of the Internet and Live Group Meditation! He is currently on Tour doing educational Workshops about Journey2amillion and Live Group Meditations!
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