ORIGINALLY AIRED Premiering 08-01-2013 on Positive Living Vibrations with Sara troy and her guest Micaela Bubola Passeri
The Love You Revolution is a Self-Love movement I started when, as a single mom, I noticed many dis-empowering messages on the clothing young women were wearing. I didn’t want my daughter to be one of them. After my first design, the “I Love Who I Am” shirt, I realized the clothes I was designing were transforming, healing and opening women. The clothes are just fun tools we get to play with, transformation and healing are the side effects they generate.
The purpose of the line is to spread the joy of Unconditional Love through the purity of original style. The Love You Revolution line, Bubola, was inspired by the desire to create something that would uplift and empower women, children and men to connect with their truth and live in the experience of Love always. Positive words can affect our inner and outer being; wearing the LYR line creates a healthy, balanced and peaceful wellness from the inside out!
When you are adorned in LYR it will uplift & inspire you. The clothes are not merely garments, but tools for transformation and inspiration. I understands the power of words & the clothes offer only positive messages. It takes a bold, free-spirited individual to say “I Love Who I Am”. But studies show that when you love yourself you can freely give love to others. We’ve all heard the lyrics “What the world needs know is love sweet love…” It’s time we take a stance & live from the inside /out.
Love. Clothes. You. 10% of every purchase goes to charity
To inspire confidence, grow self-esteem and empower children and their families.
To transform the lives of children and their families across America by using creative design to promote self-confidence, well-being, and connection within family units.
The Love You Revolution Workshops are a self-esteem, confidence building and life-enriching program for women in domestic violence shelters and children in schools. We have 3 different workshops we provide : Kids By Design, Family By Design and Love You Essentials.
We serve schools, non-profits and domestic violence shelters in the Los Angeles area and we have given workshops for YMCA Conejo Valley, Boys & Girls Club Venice, and Girls in Power, Agape ISC, His Sheltering Arms, Safe Passage, Julian Nava Academy and more.
We will be taking our « Family By Design « workshop on the road through the LYR National Empowerment Tour this summer.
Because self-esteem and self-love start with parental relationships between the child and the parent, we decided to create a workshop that would serve both children and parents in building self-esteem and confidence: “Family By Design”.
The purpose of the workshop is to:
¨ Inspire children and their families to think, imagine and create from a positive mindset
¨ Manifest their inspiration into a physical form through art, writing and expression
¨ Utilize their creativity to create abundance, well-being, self-confidence, and self-esteem
The creativity of the family unit will be harnessed through:
¨ Creating artwork that reflects the family positive self-talk
¨ Identifying a « Family Message » they want to bring forth into their lives
¨ Make their own inspirational t-shirt together as a family with their « Family Message » on it
This workshop involves children and their families in a dialogue about what inspires them, what moves them and what they want to express. They are nurtured into discovering more about the Love they have inside for themselves, their loved ones & the world. The participants will gain self-confidence as they use their imagination, positive words and design to express themselves. They will transfer their mental picture to paper, by drawing and creating positive images and words to describe their thoughts. At the end of the session they will be shown how to screen print and create a T-shirt from their inspirational design which each family member will get to take home and wear. These t-shirts act as a fun way to positively reinforce the family message that came to them through the workshop.
We are taking the workshops a step further this time and we are adding a financial component where the children and their families will be able to earn money from their creations and actually be compensated from their artistic design. We will be uploading all of the designs on our website so that people all around the world will be able to purchase these unique shirts and be inspired just as the participants were!
This will be very important for cities like Oklahoma and New Orleans where families are rebuilding after devastating natural disasters.
“The shirts are a daily anchor, a reminder of what is most important”.
To really learn at a deeper level, participants need a repetitive, external source for inner growth – something they can use on their own. Having something tangible they can look at, wear & connect with, allows for a deeper understanding & assimilation of the experience. This is so crucial; it will stay with them forever.
This artistic process will validate the following objectives:
increase self-esteem
build confidence
empower them to value who they are
help the children, especially ,to grow into productive members of society (see the National Art Education Foundation www.arteducators.org)
increase self-worth
access strength & courage
encourage a positive self-image
Participants walk away from the workshops knowing how to come from a place of Love, Harmony and Peace in every thing that they do by accessing the power of the message they designed on their shirts.
If you feel called, compelled or connected to this campaign or if you are just a natural giver, PLEASE join us in making this tour a reality by contributing to the campaign at any level. We have made it easy for anyone to be a part of this revolutionary way of loving people (perks start with a contribution as low as $5)!
If you are unable to contribute or just don’t want to…..we love you anyway ……..you can share the campaign link on your facebook page, twitter, google plus, via email to your friends and family every week. If you choose to do so, we ask that for the next 4 weeks you share our campaign 2 times a week on all social media and keep reminding your friends and family about the campaign. It won’t cost you anything and it will help us tremendously!!!!
We want to be the voice of our heart and lead others to do the same. We are motivated by Joy, Love and Happiness and make conscious choices that reflect those values.
To join us in this movement please go to www.ILoveWhoIAmTShirt.com.
More on your host Sara Troy and her many shows go to positive-living-vibrations/