R. Milton Quibner, Relationships are hard at the best of times, but here we find some answers to bring us together.
A die-hard, life-long San Francisco Giants fan, I am a Senior Fellow at the Pataphysical Institute of Northern California, and am one of the world’s leading Heterosexual Relationship Specialists. I have developed a unique and hard-hitting self-help program for men based on Pre-Classical values and ethics.
I draw upon the fundamental works of Western Antiquity, focusing on the ontological, axiological and epistemological discoveries found in the early texts as a means of shaping the male role in the modern heterosexual relationship, though I do employ, where applicable, later source material.
Aware of the impossibility of asking a modern man to emulate the rigorous virtues and behavior of a long-dead society, yet convinced the overwhelming majority of men are desperate for major personal over-haul, I have designed a program geared to the more modest scope and capabilities of today’s heterosexual man.
I am happily married, a fervent and devoted Good Partner
R. Milton Quibner, Author, How High Should I Jump? The Satirical Guide to Pleasing Today’s Woman
We are happy to say that Milton is joining us at PLV Radio Network bringing you a show on relationships for men.
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