Bill “Smok’n DAWG” Mackie shares his discovery of living with O.C.D and making it work for him.
I am Bill ‘Smok’n DAWG’ Mackie and I have created the website to share my personal stories of my own life long journey living with mental, multiple physical and Neuromuscular challenges and how important the role music has played in my life in overcoming them. Here are a few recommend articles for you to read to get you started in learning more about my life long journey…
I consider myself to be very fortunate and I am truly grateful for all the amazing opportunities that life has given me. I have lived a rewarding life full of excitement and adventure doing what I love to do. I have spent the better part of my career life working in the audio electronics, computer, and music industries, all while enjoying three of my favorite passions in life, music, electronic audio technology and computers. What more could one ask for in one’s lifetime. My entire life has also been fraught with serious physical and mental challenges that I have learned to overcome and live with. (Please be sure to read “Thankful to be alive!” it may help inspire someone you know and love to keep fighting for their life)
I would like invite you to come and share in my vision to change the global perception of people with mental challenges such as myself. With your support and help we can restore the rights of the mentally challenged that will enable us to live with honor, dignity and respect; free of prejudice, discrimination, and marginalization we are subjected to due though the stereotypes the labels and names we are given by the medical profession. Names and labels that cast us as being broken, damaged and defective that rob us of our value of self worth, self esteem and self respect and prevent us from achieving our true potential in life because how others perceive us. Please visit my site and sign the petition.
Other articles that may inspire you.
“Smok’n DAWG the Musician…” and “Smok’n DAWG the tech junkie…“.
To read his article on Living with O.C.D http://choosepositiveliving.OCD
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